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Break the Chains: Your Inaction Harms More Than Just You! #success analysis paralysis digital entrepreneurship imposter syndrome inaction kajabi online dreams overcoming hurdles sales success rx tech overwhelm unleash potential Mar 05, 2024

Are your online dreams on hold? What is holding you back?

In the vast landscape of digital entrepreneurship, it's not uncommon to feel like you're hitting roadblocks at every turn. 

Perhaps it's the overwhelming sea of options for funnels, the tech set up in Kajabi, or maybe it's the nagging...

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Stop Guessing What’s Wrong With Your Sales Funnel Feb 20, 2024

The Sales Funnel Diagnostic Audit is a game-changer that eliminates the need for guesswork. With this invaluable tool, you gain the clarity and insights needed to pinpoint exactly what's ailing your sales funnel and, most importantly, how to fix it.

In Mark's case, the Sales Funnel Diagnostic...

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Busting the 'Build It, They Will Come' Myth Feb 12, 2024

It's the Sales Success Doctor here, ready to peel back the layers of a myth that's been circulating in the online business world for far too long.

You've probably heard it—the myth that if you build a sales funnel, customers will magically flock to it, bringing abundant leads and sales....

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What’s Missing from Your Sales “Fnnel”? It's U! Feb 07, 2024

Is your sales funnel hearing crickets? Do you find yourself wondering why your leads and sales aren't pouring in as expected? 

In the world of online entrepreneurship, you were told by someone that if you build it, they will come.  Well that’s a big steaming pile of unicorn poo!


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Beyond the Sale: Nurturing Leads Into Loyal Customers – Mastering Conversions 5 through 8 list building marketing sales Feb 05, 2024

In the world of sales and marketing, we often focus on the big milestones: the lead, the pitch, and the close.

But what about the micro-moments, the subtle shifts that guide a lead closer to becoming a customer?

These are the conversions we don’t talk about enough, and today, I'm breaking...

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The Power of Sales Page Conversions: 9 to 13 Jan 29, 2024

Welcome back to the world of conversions, where we're uncovering the secrets to supercharging your sales strategy. In our previous posts, we've explored the art of creating raving fans through conversions 1 and 2 and gaining proof that your audience is ready to buy via conversions 3 and 4 and...

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Gaining Proof Your Audience Will Buy: Conversion 3 and 4 Jan 22, 2024

Hey there, it's Kimi B, The Sales Success Doctor, and we're back with more insights into the world of conversions and how they can supercharge your sales strategy. In our previous posts, we explored the art of creating raving fans through conversions 1 and 2. 

Today, we're diving deeper into...

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The Art of Creating Raving Fans: Conversion 1 and 2 Jan 15, 2024

Greetings! It's Kimi B, aka The Sales Success Doctor, making a return with more insights to turbocharge your sales strategy. 

In our last post, we delved into the fascinating world of conversions and their transformative potential for your business. Today, we're about to embark on a journey...

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Unlocking the Power of Conversions in Your Sales Strategy #success sales Jan 09, 2024

What if your sales strategy could work effortlessly, driving conversions and growth while you relax and see your business flourish? Before you start tallying up your sales revenue, let's delve into the essence of conversions.

Conversion isn't solely about closing a deal or making a sale. 


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Unlocking Business Success: Join Our Workshop and See the Needle Move! Dec 27, 2023

Are you ready to unlock your business success and finally see that needle move in the right direction? If the answer is a resounding "YES," then we've got something special for you – our workshop, From 'Busy' to 'Effective': The 4% Rule: Unlocking the Actions to Bring in Leads and Sales.


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Prioritizing High-Value Tasks: Your Path to Business Success Dec 18, 2023

Hello, fellow entrepreneurs! Welcome to Week 3 of our transformative journey, where we're delving deep into the core of what truly drives your business: LEADS and INCOME. These are the lifeblood of your venture, the actions that make the rubber hit the road.

Now, you might be wondering, "How did...

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Mastering the Art of Work-Life "Balance": Week 2 on Your Journey to Success productivity Dec 11, 2023

Hello, my fellow online business conquerors!

We're back for Week 2 of our journey from hot mess to online success, and this week, we're diving into a topic that's near and dear to my heart: setting boundaries for work-life balance.

Ok, there is no balance, which is why I say Harmony! ...

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