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Nailing Your Offer - The Foundation of Your Success

businessstrategy entrepreneurship marketing offer sales salessuccessdoctor Jul 08, 2024

Part 1 of 4: Prescription For Success: Core Offer Clarity

Alright, let’s cut through the usual online fluff and get straight to the point. We've already discussed who you want to work with and how you want to work with them. Now, it's time to dial in your offer. And trust me, this step is non-negotiable.

What Your Offer Isn't

First off, let’s get one thing clear: your offer is NOT your service/product/course. Those are just delivery methods. The biggest mistake you can make is creating the end result first and then trying to work backwards to fit your offer and audience into it.

You MUST nail your offer before you design your end product/service/course. Period.

Where to Start

Not with AI. Don’t be that person. If you want to blend into the noisy crowd, go ahead and use generic AI to generate answers to the questions below. But as the Sales Success Doctor, I’m telling you, that’s like throwing ibuprofen at everything that ails you:

  • Headache? Take ibuprofen.
  • Stomach hurts? Take ibuprofen.
  • Broken leg? Take ibuprofen.
  • Torn meniscus? Take ibuprofen.
  • Need a hysterectomy? Take ibuprofen.
  • Lost a limb? Take ibuprofen.

Get my point? YOU are unique. What you DO is unique. How YOU show up is unique.

So, get ready to ask YOURSELF and your AUDIENCE questions. Not ChatGPT. No shortcuts to long-term success, remember? Don't shortcut this process.   AI can jumpstart, but it does not replace this crucial boots-on-the-ground actions critical for long-term success.

Defining Your Audience

Do you want to spend all your time convincing them they have a problem, or do you want to work with those who are problem-aware and ready to fix it now? 


Your page should be written to those who are problem-aware and ready to fix it. 

Your content and social media can handle the "selling" and convincing if you want to spend your time speaking to that crowd.

Understanding Your Right Fit Client®

Key Questions to Ask

  1. What does your Right Fit Client® want most? What is top of mind right now?
  2. What's ONE reason why THEY don't think they have it?
  3. What ONE step do they try to take to solve it themselves?
  4. What ONE result do they see when they take that step, and how does it impact them and when used, how do they feel?

Ways to Find Out the Answers

1. Surveys and Questionnaires

Create detailed surveys or questionnaires that ask your audience about their pain points, desires, and current solutions they're attempting. Tools like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform can help you gather and analyze this data effectively.

2. Social Media Polls and Engagement

Leverage your social media platforms to run polls, ask open-ended questions, and engage in conversations with your followers. This can provide immediate insights and foster a sense of community.

3. Direct Conversations

Have one-on-one conversations with your existing clients or potential leads. This can be through discovery calls, interviews, or casual chats. Direct feedback can be incredibly valuable and provide deeper insights than surveys alone.

4. Analyze Competitor Reviews

Look at the reviews and testimonials of your competitors. What are their customers praising or complaining about? This can give you a sense of the gaps in the market and what your audience truly values.

5. Community Forums and Groups

Participate in community forums or groups related to your niche. Places like Reddit, LinkedIn groups, or industry-specific forums can be gold mines for understanding the real problems and desires of your target audience.

6. Feedback from Current Clients

Ask your current clients for feedback on your services or products. What did they find most valuable? What could be improved? This can help you refine your offer based on real user experiences.

7. Market Research

Conduct broader market research to understand trends, challenges, and opportunities in your industry. This can involve reading industry reports, attending webinars, or networking with other professionals.

What if You Don't Have an Audience? Should You Use AI?

If not having an audience is holding you back, AI can definitely help you get started. Here’s how:

  • Data Analysis: AI can help you analyze market trends and identify what similar audiences are interested in.
  • Trend Identification: AI tools can spot emerging trends in your industry, giving you insights into what potential audiences might be looking for.
  • Content Ideas: Generate initial content ideas based on popular topics and keywords in your niche.

However, remember that AI is a starting point. I don’t care what you name it, it’s NOT your audience.

As you grow, shifting into boots-on-the-ground work to align, refine, and grow your business based on actual human-driven interactions is essential.

Combining AI insights with genuine human interaction creates a balanced approach that ensures long-term business growth and resilience.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

By taking the time to thoroughly understand your Right Fit Client®, you'll be able to craft an offer that truly resonates and stands out in the marketplace.

Stay tuned for part 2 where we will work on the next core part of your offer.

If you would like me to come alongside you to provide your Prescription For Success: Core Offer Clarity session, book a consultation call today! www.kimibrown.com

#SalesSuccessDoctor #Offer #BusinessStrategy #Sales #Marketing #Entrepreneurship

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