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Identifying the Actual Problem

businessstrategy entrepreneurship marketing offer sales salessuccessdoctor Jul 17, 2024

Part 2 of 4: Prescription For Success: Core Offer Clarity

Alright, folks, it's time to roll up our sleeves and dig deeper. You've done the groundwork by asking questions and getting to know your audience. Now we need to pinpoint the transformation they DESIRE and are willing to PAY FOR. This is where the rubber meets the road.

Questions You Must Answer

1. What is the ACTUAL Problem They Have?

Here's the deal: If you don't identify the real, underlying problem your Right Fit Client® faces, you're just spinning your wheels. It's not about surface-level issues. We're talking about the core challenges that keep them up at night.

2. How Would You Help Them Solve It? (30K Foot View - No Logistics)

Now, let's talk solutions. How are you going to help them tackle these problems? Keep it high-level—no need to dive into the nitty-gritty just yet. It's more about your approach to solving the problem.


  • "We will walk together 1:1 to achieve clarity and focus in your business strategy so that you can [specific benefit]."
  • "Together we will explore your unique strengths to eliminate the confusion and overwhelm that’s been holding you back so that you can [specific benefit]."

3. What Results Will They See If They Follow Your Solution?

By following your solution, your Right Fit Client® would experience: (Use action words)

  • Increased [xyz]
  • Enhanced [abc]
  • Higher [def]
  • Reduced [ghl]

4. How Will They Feel?

Reflect on the emotional and psychological benefits they will experience. Will they feel more confident, relieved, motivated, or empowered?

Bringing It Together

Now, let’s tie it all together. What’s your promised outcome to them when they finish your course, go through your coaching, or buy your product? What do you promise they will have, achieve, or do when they work with you?

Your Promised Outcome Formula:

When [your Right Fit Client®] completes my [course/coaching/product], they will [gain abc], [achieve xyz], [eliminate def], without [what they've tried/or how felt before 1], [what they've tried/or how felt before 2], or [what they've tried/or how felt before 3].

AI Short-Cut:  Take all you have written above and ask ChatGPT to tell you what your promised outcome (transformation) is when they complete your (program/service/offer).


Whenever I work with course creators in my Prescription For Success: Core Offer Clarity sessions, they gain clarity and confidence in their core offer, so that they experience increased sales and a loyal client base without the frustration of guesswork, the overwhelm of constantly tweaking their offer, or the disappointment of low sales.

Your Turn!

Write your promised outcome - be SPECIFIC. Write your promised outcome and if you want me to take a peek at it, join Sales Success Rx and we can chat there. https://www.facebook.com/groups/salessuccessrx

Stay tuned for part 3, where we’ll prove your audience will pay for your offer before you go any further.

Ready to Transform Your Online Business? Let's Chat!


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