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Prescription For Success Blog

Actionable solutions and insights to move your business from stuck to thriving.

Sell With Integrity business Jul 16, 2023

“People have been reaching out begging me to extend my special pricing and access to all the amazing bonuses, so I’m extending it one more day.”


“I am extending my Early Bird Special for 24 more hours!”


Be a person of integrity and a person of your...

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Guest Blog: Avoid a Zero Sales Disaster: Are You Taking Care of Your List? list building Jul 12, 2023

I have had the blessing to work with Sara Smits van Oyen, Heart-Centered Apprentice Graduate and Kajabi Specialist, and been on the receiving end of her wisdom many times and wanted to share "a little Sara" with you! 

The goal of this blog is to help you fill the client journey gap...

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Embrace The Power Of One marketing Jul 09, 2023

Lean into increased sales certainty and simplifying your marketing by…


One Right Fit Client

One Action they must take on your site


One Promised Outcome

One Solution


One Message

One Platform

Lather, Rinse, Refine, Repeat!


Although you...

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People LOVE to be Sold business sales Jul 03, 2023

Well, that’s a big steaming pile of BS


NOBODY likes to be sold.

NEVER have.

NEVER will.


People LOVE to buy.


If you have created raving fans and served them, they will buy from you when THEY are ready and will show up prefluenced® (using a word Joey Ragona coined)...

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From Meh to Magnificent - Analytics analytics Jun 27, 2023

So, you want to supercharge your online marketing efforts? Well, tracking and analyzing your performance is like adding a secret sauce to your marketing recipe. It helps you spot areas for improvement and turbocharge your strategies. I’m going to walk you through the nitty-gritty details of...

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Objection Handling Part 2 - PIVOT business Jun 17, 2023

Last week I spoke about the client and your mindset around objections.

Objections are simply them objecting TO something done/not done; said/not said; their own past experiences; or their “lizard” is on high alert because they know they are going to be “asked to buy”...

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Objection Handling - Mindset First business Jun 11, 2023

Objections. Stalls. Delays.


For the future potential client the risk of saying, “Yes” doesn’t outweigh the risk of saying, “No”.


We all get objections.  


Yes, even those gurus we admire who are making millions of dollars in their...

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There Is No Set It And Forget It business Jun 04, 2023

Myth:  I can build my online business so I can just "set it and forget it" and it will provide me with long-term passive income!


Who remembers the Ronco TV ads “Just set it and forget it!”?


Well, that may be great for the Ronco Rotisserie, but it is NOT great for...

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You Are Not Responsible For Your Client's Success business May 27, 2023

To my friends who build out websites, pages, sales funnels, webinars, email sequences, and launches for other clients....You are NOT 100% responsible for your client’s success.  


Your client buys a Maserati that is custom, sleek, well-balanced, runs like a well-oiled...

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Measure Twice, Cut Once business May 21, 2023

Have you ever heard the term, “Measure Twice, Cut Once”?


We interviewed several contractors for the job of completing our backyard landscaping project on our new build.


They all worked with similar materials and, in essence, did the same “job” and provided...

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Track Your Shifts May 17, 2023

You’ve hired a coach, consultant, or strategist for your business to help you achieve a big goal and give you an impactful outcome.

To make it easy on us, for the rest of this document I’m going to refer to the person you hired as a “Coach”.

Let’s say your goal is to...

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What's Your Definition Of Success? analytics May 09, 2023

Recently I noticed a theme on my social media feeds: Success Posts

I am enjoying the thought-provoking content as people post about their thoughts around success, what they do to set goals for success, and their journey to success and beyond.

The clear message, to me, was everyone has a different...

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