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Prioritizing High-Value Tasks: Your Path to Business Success

Dec 18, 2023

Hello, fellow entrepreneurs! Welcome to Week 3 of our transformative journey, where we're delving deep into the core of what truly drives your business: LEADS and INCOME. These are the lifeblood of your venture, the actions that make the rubber hit the road.

Now, you might be wondering, "How did we arrive at the concept of the 4% rule?" Well, it all starts with the 64/4 Rule, which suggests that a mere 4% of your actions in your business lead to a whopping 64% of your results.

In other words, it's about identifying those precious 4% actions that significantly impact generating leads and increasing your income. These are the core activities that drive your business's growth and success. They are the keys to working smarter, not harder.

Remember the quiz from earlier? The tasks in the TRUE category are your 4% actions, the ones that truly move the needle.

But here's where the real power lies—prioritizing your 4% actions. It's about intentionally scheduling these tasks and making a firm commitment to focus on what truly matters. So, what happens when you've laid out your 4% actions and designated specific days for them?

Here's where the magic comes in:

"Have I completed my 4% tasks today?"

If your answer is yes, congratulations! You can confidently move on to the next task, knowing that you've already tackled the actions that bring in leads and income.

However, if the answer is no, it's time to pause and redirect your attention. Don't pass go, don't collect $200. Instead, focus on completing your 4% actions for the day.

This simple yet powerful checkpoint keeps you accountable to your business growth goals. It's your compass, helping you stay on course, avoid getting lost in busywork, and ensure that you prioritize what truly matters.

Daily Reminder: Keep a visual prompt, perhaps a sticky note with "4%" or a simple question like "Have I done my 4% activities for the day?" to stay focused on these crucial tasks.

But why does prioritizing your 4% actions matter so much? Because the majority of your business's success hinges on these actions. By consistently focusing on tasks that bring in leads and generate income, you're setting your business on the path to growth and profitability.

It's not about doing more; it's about doing the right things.

Let's make your business thrive by concentrating on the actions that truly matter.

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