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Mastering the Art of Work-Life "Balance": Week 2 on Your Journey to Success

mindset & business foundations systems & client experience Dec 11, 2023

Hello, my fellow online business conquerors!

We're back for Week 2 of our journey from hot mess to online success, and this week, we're diving into a topic that's near and dear to my heart: setting boundaries for work-life balance. 🌟

Ok, there is no balance, which is why I say Harmony!   It is really like a beautiful piece of music where you have two lines of notes that come together to make beautiful music together. 

In the early days of my business journey, my calendar was jam-packed. It seemed like every minute was accounted for, leaving no room for spontaneity or personal time. My family would extend invitations for lunch or quality time, and I'd reluctantly decline, citing my busy schedule. I was drowning in commitments, and it was taking a toll on me.

The truth is, I was overwhelmed and started to resent my clients. 

I found myself saying yes to their demands while secretly harboring frustration. 

Worse, I'd be in a state of flow, and my son or husband would interrupt me and irritate the ever’livin snot out of me.

This pattern was alarming, and I didn't recognize the person I was becoming—someone I didn't like.

Let's face it; we all have a finite amount of time and energy each day. So, it's crucial to invest that time and energy wisely in actions that generate leads or income and propel our businesses forward, creating tangible progress.

It's time to bring up a crucial word: "boundaries." 

No, it's not a bad word; in fact, "burnout" is the real bad word!

Boundaries are vital, and this is something I wish someone had emphasized when I started my business.

It's about creating a "Life-First" Business from the outset. 

Don't wait for some distant milestone to take care of yourself or prioritize your life outside work. 

Start now, in the early stages of your business.

So, let's explore what you're unwilling to sacrifice for your business. 

I want you to take a moment and jot down what you're absolutely unwilling to give up when it comes to having your business.  Here are some areas to get you started:

I am unwilling to give up...

  1. Self-Care by nurturing your spiritual, mental, or physical health. 
  2. Relationship with your spouse, partner, or significant other. 
  3. Family time is precious, so include that. 
  4. Don't forget about your friends and other relationships. 

Remember, saying no is a powerful act of saying yes to your well-being and the life you want to lead.

Ready to reclaim your life and create harmony between work and play? Join me in Sales Success Rx, our vibrant community of online business owners who are all about living their best lives while building successful businesses. Click here to become a part of our supportive tribe!

Stay tuned for Week 3, where we'll delve into prioritizing high-value tasks. It's a game-changer for your productivity and success. 😉

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