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Actionable solutions and insights to move your business from stuck to thriving.

Ditch the Employee Mindset business growth & scaling mindset & business foundations Aug 21, 2023

Soapbox moment!

Joyful Contrarian Rant!


Over and over and over again I see Service Providers fall into the trap of acting like they are employees or allowing themselves to be treated like employees.  It’s probably because most of us were employees before we started our online journey.  I still ...

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Unmasking the BS in Online Entrepreneurship: My Unfiltered Rant mindset & business foundations systems & client experience Aug 14, 2023

Alright, folks, I can't keep it in any longer! The online world is flooded with so-called "gurus" and "experts" peddling their flashy promises and shortcuts to success. Today, I'm letting it all out in my unfiltered rant as I expose the ridiculous claims and empty promises that have me seething with...

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Saying No is Saying Yes to You client acquisition & sales mindset & business foundations Jul 30, 2023

What are you giving up to have your business?


Do you feel like your business is like a horse and buggy that is running out of control and you are just doing your best to control the reins? 


That sometimes you are playing a game of “catch up”?


That you are fitting your life around your bu...

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Embrace The Power Of One business growth & scaling mindset & business foundations Jul 09, 2023

Lean into increased sales certainty and⁣ simplifying your marketing by…


One Right Fit Client

One Action they must take on your site


One Promised Outcome

One Solution


One Message

One Platform

Lather, Rinse, Refine, Repeat!


Although you can ...

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Objection Handling Part 2 - PIVOT client acquisition & sales mindset & business foundations Jun 17, 2023

Last week I spoke about the client and your mindset around objections.

Objections are simply them objecting TO something done/not done; said/not said; their own past experiences; or their “lizard” is on high alert because they know they are going to be “asked to buy” something.  


This week I wa...

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Objection Handling - Mindset First client acquisition & sales mindset & business foundations Jun 11, 2023

Objections. Stalls. Delays.


For the future potential client the risk of saying, “Yes” doesn’t outweigh the risk of saying, “No”.


We all get objections.  


Yes, even those gurus we admire who are making millions of dollars in their programs still get objections.


Can you avoid them?


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Track Your Shifts mindset & business foundations package & pricing optimization May 17, 2023

You’ve hired a coach, consultant, or strategist for your business to help you achieve a big goal and give you an impactful outcome.

To make it easy on us, for the rest of this document I’m going to refer to the person you hired as a “Coach”.

Let’s say your goal is to gain traction and maintain mom...

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What's Your Definition Of Success? business growth & scaling mindset & business foundations May 09, 2023

Recently I noticed a theme on my social media feeds: Success Posts

I am enjoying the thought-provoking content as people post about their thoughts around success, what they do to set goals for success, and their journey to success and beyond.

The clear message, to me, was everyone has a different d...

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Stay Ahead of the Game: Know Your Numbers to Navigate Your Business Journey with Ease business growth & scaling mindset & business foundations Apr 12, 2023

Hello bada$$ business owners! As entrepreneurs, we often get caught up in the day-to-day hustle of running our businesses. But let me ask you, do you really know your numbers? I mean, do you REALLY know your gross revenue year to date? If not, you're not alone.

If I were to ask you, “Off the top of...

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