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Track Your Shifts

May 17, 2023

You’ve hired a coach, consultant, or strategist for your business to help you achieve a big goal and give you an impactful outcome.

To make it easy on us, for the rest of this document I’m going to refer to the person you hired as a “Coach”.

Let’s say your goal is to gain traction and maintain momentum as you pivot my business to make regular $10K months and you hire a coach to work with you to increase my chances of achieving that goal.

3 months in and you are NOT at $10K months yet, you're growing there, but not there yet. So you feel your coach or their program has failed you.


I get it, I’ve been guilty of thinking I didn’t really get the amazing outcome or result I was paying for…


May I share with you the ONE thing I started doing (recently) that maximized the results my coach was able to help me achieve?


I want to share a key element that I just started to implement that has transformed the way I engage with my coach to help them help me and track if my investment was, is or will be a success or not.


Track your shifts.


I have been so focused on the desired outcome that I didn’t recognize, acknowledge and celebrate the shifts or milestones I had made along the journey to reaching that goal.


It seems simple but it is a critical component to achieving your goal.


I’m going to ask you to track the little shifts and changes that are occurring over the course of your experience.


I ask that you track changes in mindset, skillset, toolset, methodology, emotions, or thoughts, even if it's just a few short bullet points either on a daily basis or every other day at a minimum.


What I have seen in my own sessions with my coach (and in group coaching sessions), is that if someone doesn't intentionally track their shifts they won't notice the shifts or the changes or the transformation because they're not bringing their awareness to it or if they do notice the changes, they will forget when the coach asks, “What did you do this week to move the needle in your business?”.


Imagine if you were asked to track your food and the difference between tracking your food and writing down what you did at the end of the day versus once a week where you have to think back and only recall the broad strokes around the meals you ate.


If you ONLY tracked once a week and someone asks you, “What did you eat last week?”

I can guarantee that you’ll NOT remember the times you went and snacked in between meals, popped some of the ingredients into your mouth as you cooked, or the times you had a second serving. You won’t recall all the details and nuances that get forgotten if you're only tracking once a week or you're bringing attention to what you're doing with your coach once a week.


I’ve noticed that the clients who experience the biggest shifts and transformation and who are by far the happiest with their coaching experiences are the ones who make it a habit and a priority to explore and look for changes and shifts in their life on a daily basis.

Another thing that's really important to remember is that as you're going through your coach’s program if you only look for big radical complete changes where something is completely gone or a pattern is completely shifted and changed, you may miss out and not see the subtle gradual shifts that happen as you’re peeling away the layers of the onion every week with your coach.

It's almost as if someone who is trying to lose weight is only looking for the 50-pound weight loss and if it's not there they don't notice or appreciate or track the half-pound, one-pound, or two-pound loss that's occurring over the course of the week.


When people aren't able to notice the subtle and gradual shifts over time which accumulate and allow for the big changes they're looking for they'll often come back and say, “I don't see anything or nothing's happening or this isn’t working.”, instead of being able to notice that they are moving exactly in the right direction and making the exact progress that they're hoping to make.


Read the above paragraph again.


So instead of only aiming, hoping, and searching for a complete transformation, or an on/off switch for anxiety around your business, or a dollar goal, or "my business is totally different"….


>>>>I want to invite you to look for, appreciate, notice, and track shifts when there's a reduction in the intensity of something.<<<<


For example…


Perhaps you have anxiety when you have to make a certain type of phone call (sales call, discovery call, returning a disgruntled customer call, etc.)


or struggle when asked how much you charge during a conversation with prospects/clients…


Thanks to what you are implementing around what your coach is teaching, let’s say you noticed that there's a 20% drop in the stress or anxiety you feel when you have a specific type of conversation and you track this shift and write it down.




You normally wait until the last minute of the last hour of the day to make these calls because you dread them, but today, you did it first thing in the morning so you could enjoy the rest of your day without being anxious about it.

Tracking your shifts WILL make a massive difference in the success of your coaching program versus going, “Oh the anxiety is still there so I'm not going to track it or count it.”

The reduction in intensity or volume is the exact type of subtle shift that I want you to track over time so that your coach will know whether you (and they) are working in the right direction and they know what to work on with you in your next coaching sessions.

Here are examples of some of my shifts over a 2 week period that I experienced with my own coach….

Note: I wrote these down in the margins of my planner. The alternative method is I used my “tasks” in Gmail to write these down so I could review them before my sessions.

“I raised my prices this week and started to go down the spiral of imposter syndrome that normally lasted for days and days, but this time I was able to work through the self-limiting belief in less than 48 hours!”

“I said NO to someone who wasn’t a right fit for me!”
“I hired a house cleaner to help out every 3 weeks so I could focus on my business and stop stressing over my kitchen and bathrooms crying out for deep cleaning.”
“Today I resisted the urge to create something new to offer and instead, focused my energy on filling the funnel to what I currently have online to increase conversions”.

“I went live on my FB group today!”
“I only choked on the words twice when someone asked me what I charge Still threw a hot flash though :).”

Remember the goal that I want to achieve with my business coach?


“Gain traction and maintain momentum as I pivot my business to make regular $10K months and hire a coach to work with me to increase my chances of achieving that goal.”


If I don’t take the time to write down the shifts and notice the subtle and gradual shifts over time which accumulate and allow for the big changes I’m looking for and be able to notice that I am moving exactly in the right direction and making the exact progress that I’m hoping to make and instead only focus on, “I’m still not at $10K months”... can you see how I could feel that her program or methods are failing me?




I can't emphasize enough how important the daily or other daily tracking and noticing and awareness of shifts and changes is going to be in the success of your coaching program.


I want you to get the most out of your coaching, consulting, or strategic experience, and I find that if you skip this step - if you’re only trying to do a summary once a week or right before your sessions (guilty!)…it's highly likely you may not get the full experience you’re paying for and the full shift and transformation that you are looking for.


So please, do whatever you can to take just a few moments, maybe one to two minutes every day or every other day to bring awareness to what you experienced over the course of the day and track the changes or small shifts or subtle reductions in intensity and volume that you experience over the course of your coaching experience.


This simple addition to your day will make all the difference and it will also help your coach provide you with a more powerful experience as well.


Yours in Success,
Kimi Brown
AKA The Joyful Contrarian

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