
Simplify Your Offers, Amplify Your Impact and Unlock the Power of the Core Offer Advantage

Find Your Focus

Nail Your Offer

Boost Your Sales


Not seeing sales like you thought you would?

Chances Are Your Core Offer Sucks,
Fix It First


Let’s be real.

If you can’t nail down one irresistible offer that people are dying to buy, all your other efforts are wasted.

All the time and money spent on marketing, audience building, the whole shebang – none of it matters without a solid CORE offer.


 Stop The Scatter Shots!

Sick of throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks?

 If you don't start with a no-brainer offer that's so irresistible they want to buy, none of your other efforts matter.

Do Not Pass Go!
Do NOT Collect $200! 

Before you decide on a launch execution plan, create your course, build your sales page, or design your lead magnet, you MUST create (or fix) your CORE OFFER.

Don't take one more action in your business until you've nailed down this crucial step!

Stop the Struggle!

Are You an Online Course Creator Drowning in These Problems?

  • Lack of Clarity: Not sure what your core offer should be.
  • Scattered Efforts: Trying to sell multiple offers with no success.
  • Bonus Bull$#it: Offering bonuses and up-sells that should be part of the core offer.
  • Focus on Logistics: Getting bogged down in the how instead of painting a picture with the promised outcome.
  • Evergreen Struggles: If you can't sell your offer now, you won't on autopilot.

  • It's time to break free from these issues and create an offer that truly resonates and sells!


Let’s be real.

If you can’t nail down one irresistible offer that people are dying to buy, all your other efforts are wasted.

All the time and money spent on marketing, audience building, the whole shebang – none of it matters without a solid CORE offer.


 Stop The Scatter Shots!

Sick of throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks?

 If you don't start with a no-brainer offer that's so irresistible they want to buy, none of your other efforts matter.

Do Not Pass Go!
Do NOT Collect $200! 

Before you decide on a launch execution plan, create your course, build your sales page, or design your lead magnet, you MUST create (or fix) your CORE OFFER.

Don't take one more action in your business until you've nailed down this crucial step!

Stop the Struggle!

Are You an Online Course Creator Drowning in These Problems?

  • Lack of Clarity: Not sure what your core offer should be.
  • Scattered Efforts: Trying to sell multiple offers with no success.
  • Bonus Bull$#it: Offering bonuses and up-sells that should be part of the core offer.
  • Focus on Logistics: Getting bogged down in the how instead of painting a picture with the promised outcome.
  • Evergreen Struggles: If you can't sell your offer now, you won't on autopilot.

  • It's time to break free from these issues and create an offer that truly resonates and sells!

"I didn't get this level of help from my other high-ticket coaching program I paid way too much money for!"

Tasha Rosales


Prescription For Success:
Core Offer Clarity Sessions

Your Ticket Off The Struggle Bus


These sessions will provide you with the clarity, focus, and confidence to craft an offer that resonates with your audience and drives your business forward.

  • No Time Wasting Course or One-Sized-Fits-All Framework: Work hand-in-hand with me, in real time, to create your tailored Core Offer.
  • Achieve Crystal Clear Clarity: Define a compelling value proposition that resonates with your target audience.
  • Streamline Your Services: Transform your scattered efforts into a focused, irresistible core offer that meets your clients' needs.
  • Simplify Your Client Journey: Eliminate complexity and focus on what truly matters to deliver on your promised transformation.
  • The Power of One: Create one powerful core offer with a professional up-sell and down-sell. (If applicable)
  • Ensure Long-term Growth: Deliver consistent, impactful results through your refined offerings.


Everything You Need For Core Offer Clarity

I've got you covered!

Two 90-Minute Zoom Sessions
Deep dive into your business with two intensive 90-minute Zoom sessions. Get personalized feedback, actionable insights, and a clear path to defining your core offer.

Session Recordings
Receive recordings of each session for easy reference, so you can revisit our strategies anytime and stay focused during our conversations.

Written Summary of Core Offer
This document will serve as your blueprint for success, outlining:

  • One Core Offer: Your core offer will be meticulously documented, ensuring every detail is clear and actionable.
  • Pricing and Packaging: We’ll define the optimal pricing structure and packaging options to ensure your offer is both attractive and profitable. You’ll receive detailed recommendations on how to price your core offer and its related upsells and downsells.
  • Deliverables Defined: Clear and concise descriptions of what your clients will receive. This includes all deliverables, timelines, and any additional resources or support they can expect that will ensure the outcome you promise is delivered.
  • Logistics: Practical guidance on how to deliver your offer efficiently and effectively all while protecting your capacity. We’ll cover everything from managing client interactions to automating processes to ensure a smooth and professional delivery.
  • Professional Upsell and Downsell: Strategically designed to maximize your revenue potential. If applicable, we’ll create one upsell and downsell offer that complement your core offer and provide additional value to your clients.
I'm Ready!



Bonuses to Give You the Extra Edge


30-Days of Access to Kimi

For a full month after our sessions, you'll have direct access to me for any follow-up questions or clarifications around this offer. This ensures you can confidently take action and implement your new offer.

Visibility Power Pack

A comprehensive checklist to help you increase your visibility and attract more clients that resonates with how YOU want to show up.

This includes actionable steps and best practices for getting your offer in front of your target audience.

Magnetic Headlines and Taglines

Crafted to grab attention and resonate with your audience, these headlines and taglines will help you effectively promote your offer.

Authority-Building Content Topics

Engaging topics designed to highlight the value of your offer and attract potential clients.

These topics will help position you as an authority in your niche and drive traffic to your sales page.

90-Day Launch Blueprint

Not sure what it really takes to prepare for a successful launch?

This won't be tailored to you (that's the SSRX Launch Execution Strategy package), but it will give you a generic framework and action steps to take in your business to help you prepare for the "big day".


Let's simplify your approach, amplify your impact, and crush your goals together!

I'm Ready to Simplify to Amplify

"I put you up there with one other person that I go to online for guidance and that's Graham Cochrane, like he has a way of explaining things that it just resonates with the common folks, you know. And honestly, I think you're at that level"

Dr. Michael O'Conner

What's My Guarantee?

I’m confident that the Core Offer Clarity Session Package will provide you with the clarity and direction you need to succeed. However, I understand the importance of feeling secure in your investment.

Here’s My Guarantee:

During our first session, if you feel that this package is not the right fit for you, simply let me know during the call, and I will refund you 100% of your investment.

Sign Me Up!

I want to cut the BS and bust the myth of "if you build it, they will buy."

Hey there, I'm Kimi Brown, the Sales Success Doctor and Co-Founder of the Heart-Centered Apprentice with Meg Burrage.

Do you remember the commercial with the tagline: "Stop the Insanity"?   

That's what I want for you.

From my experience, the reason most of you aren't seeing sales is a problem with your CORE OFFER.

Here’s the real deal:

Most online course creators start with the product first and then wonder why it doesn’t sell. They struggle with clarity and focus, trying to market a core offer that just doesn’t resonate.

This leads to overwhelm caused by scattered efforts, ineffective marketing that is all over the place, and inconsistent sales, leading to frustration and burnout.

Sound familiar?

You’re not alone.

The core issue? You haven't done the hard work of defining and creating a CORE OFFER with a professional up-sell and down-sell, gaining proof your audience will buy it, and then refining it until it is a lean, mean, money-making machine.

This isn’t my full A-Z strategy package, but it’s THE BEST PLACE to start.

Stop wasting time, money, and tears on magic bullets and scattered offers.

Let’s get you on the path to success with the Prescription for Success: Core Offer Clarity Sessions.

Get Ready to Kick Ass and Take Names...

  • Schedule your First of Two Sessions: Click the button below to secure your first 90-minute session.
  • Dive Deep Into Your Offers: I'll explore your vision, your audience, your promised transformation, evaluate your current offers and together, we will create your Core Offer.
  • Receive Your Action Plan: Get a comprehensive written summary, recordings of the sessions and an actionable plan to implement your streamlined Core Offer.

 Ready To Crush It?

Stop Messing About and Get Serious!