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Prescription For Success Blog

Actionable solutions and insights to move your business from stuck to thriving.

Beyond the Sale: Nurturing Leads Into Loyal Customers – Mastering Conversions 5 through 8 list building marketing sales Feb 05, 2024

In the world of sales and marketing, we often focus on the big milestones: the lead, the pitch, and the close.

But what about the micro-moments, the subtle shifts that guide a lead closer to becoming a customer?

These are the conversions we don’t talk about enough, and today, I'm breaking...

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Guest Blog: Avoid a Zero Sales Disaster: Are You Taking Care of Your List? list building Jul 12, 2023

I have had the blessing to work with Sara Smits van Oyen, Heart-Centered Apprentice Graduate and Kajabi Specialist, and been on the receiving end of her wisdom many times and wanted to share "a little Sara" with you! 

The goal of this blog is to help you fill the client journey gap...

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