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Prescription For Success Blog

Actionable solutions and insights to move your business from stuck to thriving.

The Art of Conversion: From Lead Magnet to Loyal Customer artofconvention digitalmarketingstrategy kajabi leadmagnet salespage Apr 08, 2024

In the digital marketing world, the journey from attracting a prospect to securing a customer is intricate and filled with potential pitfalls. 

Two critical stages in this journey—the lead magnet strategy and the transition from nurture series to sales page—are often where many...

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Lead Magnet Tango: A New Dawn for Your Digital Marketing Strategy digitalmarketingstrategy kajabi leadmagnet strategy Apr 01, 2024

In the digital realm of entrepreneurship, the allure of creating the perfect lead magnet and crafting a funnel that magically converts prospects into loyal customers is a narrative many of us chase. 

Yet, the reality often paints a different picture—one where the clock ticks past...

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