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hiring unicorns

Real Talk:  Stop asking to hire Unicorns!

business growth & scaling marketing strategy Apr 02, 2023

Disclaimer: I am not talking about hiring an agency, but a single hire to assist in your business

You are doing yourself a huge disservice if you are asking for one person to “be all the things” or “do all the things” in your business.  

When you first start out in your online business,  you are “doing all the jobs” found in the 4 main pillars of a business yourself: 

  1. Visionary
  2. Strategist
  3. Implementer
  4. Marketer 

To be truly effective, a person can do, at most, 2 of these.  

Frankly, YOU need to stay in your lane of being a visionary and creating.

When you are ready to hire do not ask for a Unicorn to do all of the above.  

Do not ask for ONE person to apply to be your general virtual admin assistant and your social media strategist/marketer, and your graphic designer, and a podcast designer, and your branding expert, and your Kajabi specialist, offer strategy, and be the point person to manage your projects & manage your team (you know what I’m getting at...you’ve seen the posts)

It is in a Virtual Assistant’s nature to say “I can do all the things” and be your “Jill or Jack of all Trades” but to be truly effective, they can fit into, at most, two of the categories above.  (It’s not saying a person can’t do it all, but they SHOULDN’T do it all for your business).

Yep, stepping on toes aren’t I? 

The first person you need to hire is a strategist to help you determine where you should focus on FIRST to have the biggest impact on your finances and business so you CAN grow to the place where you can afford to hire the people you need to grow your business.

It could be a Virtual Assistant to take the day to day tasks off of your plate to get $#it done so you can focus on creating and then you can hire your Kajabi Specialist (Implementer) to get you up ands selling so you can make enough money to hire your Social Media Marketer and then make more money to hire your Director of Operations or your Online Business Manager and so on.

But that one hire is NOT TO DO ALL THE THINGS OR BE ALL THE THINGS!  They are NOT to be your UNICORN!

Example: (we’ve all seen it)

I am looking for someone to do the following in my business:


  • Virtual Assistant  (for all your admin needs)
  • Kajabi Specialist & Maintenance
  • Strategist
  • Launch Specialist (insert what specialist you want here)  
  • Social Media Marketer
  • Podcast 
  • Copywriter
  • Graphic Designer  
  • Basic coding is a plus


The same rule applies… you can find someone who will tell you they “can” do all the things above (and they can!), but they “SHOULDN’T” do all the things above.   

This is a recipe for disaster: overwork, burnout, scope creep, bad boundaries, lack of clarity, resentment, inferior work (and the cracks will show eventually).

Heck, I do all of the above and more, and I’m good at them, but I would steer you away from hiring me to do all of them.  


I am really really really AWESOME at 1 of the things on the tasks above and that ONE THING IS MY PASSION. 

My passion makes it so that my joy shows in my work and YOU benefit from that joy!

So stop asking one person to be the Unicorn in your business.  You will thank me later!

With much love, 


The Joyful Contrarian


PS If you do have someone in your business who you’ve hired to be your unicorn, do them and yourself a huge favor and find out what they are passionate about.  Have them focus on just those tasks and watch them bloom and your business profit from that decision.  Then hire your next person for the tasks they aren’t passionate about.  



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