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From Meh to Magnificent - Analytics

analytics Jun 27, 2023

So, you want to supercharge your online marketing efforts? Well, tracking and analyzing your performance is like adding a secret sauce to your marketing recipe. It helps you spot areas for improvement and turbocharge your strategies. I’m going to walk you through the nitty-gritty details of tracking and analyzing your online marketing performance.  At any point you see people drop off, that is your roadblock or choke point.

Define Your Marketing Channels and Goals:

Let's start by figuring out where you're marketing and what you want to achieve. 

Question 1 - what are you using to market? Paid ads? Organic? Social Media? Referrals? Email marketing? (what are your "traffic sources" that get people to your page or lead magnet?)


Question 2 - Where you are at in your business sways what you track. Are you wanting to track website traffic, lead generation, improving conversion rates, or enhancing brand awareness?  


Question 3 - do you use an all-in-one platform or do you have multiple platforms to support your marketing efforts? for example, do you use ConvertKit for emails, Lead Pages for your Lead Magnet, and Kajabi for sales pages?

Once you've got that sorted, set specific goals like boosting website traffic, generating leads like a pro, increasing conversion rates, or building an unstoppable brand.

Implementing Analytics Tools:

Time to bring in the big guns: analytics tools. Get cozy with the new G4 Google Analytics, the fancy replacement for the old one. It's got all the bells and whistles you need to track and analyze your website's performance. If you want to level up, consider creating a custom dashboard using tools like Google Data Studio. Or better yet, bring in the experts like Lisa Galletti or Stephanie Cutter to whip up a sweet dashboard tailored to your biz. (reach out if you’d like their contact info!)

Platform-Specific Analytics:

If you’re using different platforms for emails, lead magnets, and sales pages you will have a much harder time tracking from source to visitor to lead to client. Each of these bad boys comes with its own set of analytics. Dive into those metrics to see how users are behaving and where they drop off in your marketing funnel. It's like playing detective and uncovering roadblocks that make people bail.

All-in-One Platform:

If you're looking for simplicity, an all-in-one platform is the answer. It lets you track the entire customer journey, from where the traffic comes into when they hit that glorious "buy" button. Kajabi is one smooth operator that offers comprehensive analytics capabilities, making your life easier.

Email Marketing Analytics:

Open rates ain't what they used to be, thanks to Apple shaking things up. So, focus on click-through rates and engagement metrics to gauge the success of your email campaigns. Make sure to include clickable links in your emails, leading recipients to your irresistible lead magnets or those conversion-worthy landing pages.

Nurturing Your Email List:

Time to show some love to your email list! Consistent nurturing is the name of the game. If your subscribers are ghosting you and not clicking on your links, it's time to do some soul-searching. Is your message on point? Are you attracting the right crowd? Adjust your strategies accordingly, my friend. If they aren't clicking, is your list truly made up of raving fans or freebie seekers? Is your messaging dialed in? Do they see the outcome or value? Do you need to do a better job of consistently nurturing your list OR do you need to realign who you want on your list?

Analyzing Page Views and Engagement:

Let's talk about page views and engagement. Take a peek at the numbers for your lead magnets and sales pages. Are people sticking around or bouncing like a rubber ball? If you're losing them in the first milliseconds, it's time to work on your hero section and captivate their attention. (did you know you only have .5 milliseconds for them to decide to stay on your page or not?)

Tracking Conversions:

Ah, the moment of truth: conversions. How many folks are actually filling out forms, booking calls, or hitting that "buy" button? If you're getting loads of views but the conversions are MIA, it's time to refine your messaging. Make it irresistibly persuasive and optimize that user experience to seal the deal.

Tracking and analyzing your online marketing performance is like having a secret sauce that takes your campaigns from meh to magnificent. With the tips and tricks I’ve shared, you're armed to the teeth with knowledge and tools to identify areas for improvement, tweak your messaging, and conquer your marketing goals. Keep a watchful eye on your data, adapt like a chameleon, and get ready to rock the online marketing world.


Yours in success,

Kimi B
The Joyful Contrarian 


PS I’d love to hear your thoughts on analytics.  Join the conversation HERE

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