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Guest Blog: Avoid a Zero Sales Disaster: Are You Taking Care of Your List?

list building Jul 12, 2023

I have had the blessing to work with Sara Smits van Oyen, Heart-Centered Apprentice Graduate and Kajabi Specialist, and been on the receiving end of her wisdom many times and wanted to share "a little Sara" with you! 

The goal of this blog is to help you fill the client journey gap between opt-in to the first offer.

Avoid a Zero Sales Disaster: Are You Taking Care of Your List?

A beautiful invitation shows up in your mailbox, and you think, “Wow, this will be a great party.” When you arrive at your new friend’s place, you get a goody bag full of useful stuff. It’s only as you make your way into the living room and find a chair to sit down in that you notice something odd. You’ve been promised great things, but the house is quiet and your host is nowhere to be found. It isn’t long before you decide to leave feeling discouraged and disappointed.

This is how a new subscriber to your List feels after she opts in for your freebie and hears nothing. You see, once you invite someone to become part of your audience, you need to make them feel welcome before you try making them a sale. The biggest mistake you can make is thinking that once your list starts to grow, the next step is to focus solely on your launch. That, my friend, is a mistake because in no time at all your audience will turn stone cold. Your List, after all, is your most valuable asset. To avoid a zero sales launch, learn the three essentials to nailing down this oh-so-important part of your client’s journey: the path from your list-building opt in to your first offer.

Say Thank You

It feels pretty bad when you opt-in for a goodie and you see nothing but a lonely link. Nothing, nada, zilch. Avoid this by setting up your lead magnet to send opt-ins to a customized welcome page. It gives subscribers a good feeling and is prime website real estate to include engagement-boosting content such as:
✨ Telling subscribers how to access their freebie
✨ Positioning yourself as an expert by sharing a tip or two
✨ Building a rapport by sharing your socials

Post Opt-In Nurture Sequence

Surveys indicate that 70% of customers leave a brand because they don’t think it cares about them. After your lead opt-ins for your freebie, grab this opportunity to build a relationship with an email sequence like this:
✨ Email 1: Reinforce the welcome and tell them what and how they can expect to hear from you.
✨ Email 2: Give a gentle nudge with “How are you doing with that really great freebie” and ask them to email you back with any questions.
✨ Email 3: Show them the next step to take in their journey such as joining your next webinar or free challenge (it’s not a sales offer!).

Build Trust

90% of buyers rely on testimonials to help them make buying decisions. As you engage with your List, weave in value that inspires your fans to leave great reviews. You can do this by:
✨ Sharing a motivational story that resonates with your Tribe.
✨ Curating and distributing some of the content from your paid course.
✨ Focusing on small wins that help solve a problem that your audience struggles with.

Take action on these three steps to build a warm and responsive audience.

Are you uncertain about getting this structure in place?

Grab my “3-Step Framework For a Thriving Email List” here to put a strategy in place that wows your list into an adoring audience looking forward to buying your offers.

Grab your copy by clicking the link below

The Online Entrepreneur's 3-Step Framework for a Thriving Email List

About Sara

I’m a woman whose been on a professional journey that's spanned over 30 years in finance roles before finding the sweet spot of helping lifestyle entrepreneurs share their unique gifts with the world. I’m a mood creator and client journey geek who loves to help her clients shine in the spotlight.



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