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End Pitch Slapping

client acquisition & sales marketing strategy Aug 27, 2023

Joyful Contrarian Rant Alert:

Don't reach out and pitch slap someone just because you connected on LinkedIn or they liked or commented on a post you made on Facebook.

Be different from the crowd.

Post something of value. Serve first. Get them unstuck.

Show up consistently with value and if what you posted resonates, THEY will reach out to YOU when the time is right for THEM.

I’m about to ruffle feathers and piss off a lot of people.

I’m about to step on some toes, hard.  

I’ll pray for healing for your toes.

There are LinkedIn Gurus and FB Gurus teaching that once you connect with someone reach out and send them a message about your services to see if you can help them.


Just because you’re connected on LinkedIn, doesn’t give you the right to suddenly reach out to THEM and ask if you can help them.   

Listen, I am now connected with this person.  If they were posting regularly on topics that resonated with me, who I serve, how I work and got me unstuck, changed a mindset, shifted a perspective around outsourcing social media and admin tasks, I can guarantee you that when I need help with my Social Media, I will reach out to them.  


If this is you…stop.  Stop relying on throwing out a huge gill net and praying you catch a fish. On LinkedIn, you are making new connections every day….Show your superpower in action on the feed where they will see it.  Serve.  Get noticed. 


But do not reach out to pitch slap if you've never posted anything of value, giving of yourself first and demonstrating your superpower in action by helping people. 


What is Pitchslapping you ask?

It is a term that was used by a colleague of mine several years ago, and I fell in love with term, and the best way to explain it is to ask if these scenarios have ever happened to you:

You join a Facebook Group and someone breaks the rules and Direct Messages (DM) you with an unsolicited pitch to work with them/hire them. You connect with someone on LinkedIn and only moments later you get a message about them “helping” you in your business.

You accept a friend request on Facebook and 10 minutes later you get DM’d with a pitch to work with them in the guise of helping you.

You “Like” a person’s response to a post on FB and they reach out to you with a pitch about working with them disguised as them helping you. “Hey, I saw you liked my post/comment….”

Worse, someone DM’s you to solicit working with them and it isn’t even about anything you do, want to do, or will ever do.   Did they even read up about you?

You comment on someone’s post and you get DM’d with, “Hey, I saw you commented on my post…” and they pitch you something about being able to help you with something.


I have no idea who this person was, but it sounds harmless, right? They are in the Kajabi FB group and broke the rules by DM’ing a bunch of us.  But if you didn’t know any better it sounds like they really want to help me. They want to feature ME….. if I pay them.  Sigh.

In contrast….my DM’s are full of responses from people who are watching and reach out then THEY are ready… 


This is what you want.  When you show up and serve, people are watching.  

When the time is right for THEM, they will reach out to you. 

STOP Pitch-slapping people.  Serve instead. Be different from the crowd. Start a real conversation. 

I’m going to go pray over people’s hurt toes now.



Yours in success,

Kimi B

The Joyful Contrarian

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