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Ditch the Busywork & Make Bank: The Truth About ‘Busy Work’ in Your Business

Oct 09, 2024

You’re hustling hard, working your ass off by ticking off tasks like there’s no tomorrow. 

But when you look back at your week, you’re left wondering, “Why am I not making sales?” 

Real Talk: It’s not because you’re not working hard—it’s because most of what you’re doing isn’t moving the needle in your business.

Busywork might make you feel productive, but it’s holding you back from the kind of business growth that fills your bank account.

If you’re ready to ditch the grind and focus on what actually drives leads and sales, stick with me.

The Busywork Illusion  

We’ve all been there—chasing client emails, creating content, fixing tiny website details, or writing endless social posts. It feels like we’re “on,” but at the end of the day, what do you have to show for it?

Most of these tasks are what I call busywork. And while they’re necessary, at some point, they’re not the actions that will actually grow your business.

Ready for some mind-blowing math? 

Only 4% of the work you do will drive 64% of your results. 

Let that sink in for a second.

That means there’s a very small percentage of your daily tasks that’s actually making you money. 

The rest? It’s just noise. Necessary noise, but it doesn’t grow leads and sales.

So, what’s the solution? 

Start identifying the 4% high-impact actions that drive leads and sales. These are the actions that connect you directly with potential clients or that lead to income, not just planning for future sales.

5 High-Impact Actions to Drive Your Business Forward  


Here are suggestions for 5 specific high-impact actions you can focus on this week to move your business forward:

  1. Promote Your Lead Magnet: Creating one is great, but promoting it is what brings in the leads. Make sure you’re sharing it consistently.
  2. Post Targeted Content: Instead of spending hours creating your content, focus on posting the content you created that speaks directly to your ideal clients and drives engagement and conversion.
  3. Book Coffee Chats with Referral Partners: Researching is fine, but actually booking those coffee chats is what gets leads in the door.
  4. Launch Your Offer: Crafting an offer is necessary, but launching it is where the magic happens. Get it out there and let your audience know!
  5. Follow Up with Potential Clients: This is where the sales happen. Don’t let leads go cold—keep your list warm, schedule follow-up calls and keep the momentum going.

These are some suggested actions that make money. They’re simple, but they’re the game-changers that boost your leads and sales without the grind.

Break the Cycle—How to Shift from Busy to Productive 

Now that you’ve got the secret sauce, it’s time to get tactical. Here’s a quick action plan to start prioritizing those high-impact tasks:

  1. Dump Your Busywork: List everything you do in a week. Get it all down.
  2. Identify Your 4% Actions: Highlight the tasks that directly lead to leads or sales. Those are your priority.
  3. Block Time: Each day, spend NO MORE THAN 60 minutes on your 4% actions before doing anything else. Make it a habit.
  4. Measure Results: Check in with yourself at the end of each week. Are those 4% actions moving the needle? If not, adjust and try again.

It’s time to stop being busy and start making bank. 

By focusing on the 4% of high-impact actions that matter, you can finally stop grinding and start growing. 

Ready to stop wasting time and start making money? 

Don’t wait—download my free ebook, Growth Without the Grind: 5 High-Impact Actions to Boost Your Leads and Sales, and get the exact steps you need to start growing your business now. It’s time to stop the grind and start seeing real results

👉 [Download the ebook here] https://www.kimibrown.com/busytoimpactebook

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