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Busting the 'Build It, They Will Come' Myth

Feb 12, 2024

It's the Sales Success Doctor here, ready to peel back the layers of a myth that's been circulating in the online business world for far too long.

You've probably heard it—the myth that if you build a sales funnel, customers will magically flock to it, bringing abundant leads and sales. Well, my friends, it's time to separate fact from fantasy.

In this blog post, we're going to dive deep into the world of sales funnels, debunking the 'Build It, They Will Come' myth and uncovering the cold, hard truth. Simply creating a sales funnel isn't the golden ticket to success.

There are vital elements missing from most funnels, and it's these very elements that can make or break your online business.

Busting the Myth: If You Build It, They Will Come - What's Missing in Your Funnel

Now, let's get down to business and unveil what's missing in most funnels.

Addressing these critical elements can transform your sales funnel into a high-converting, results-driven powerhouse.

Don't Be an Absentee Landlord in Your Own Business!

Picture this: You own a beautiful piece of real estate, but you never set foot in it, never maintain it, and never welcome guests. Sounds absurd, right? Well, the same principle applies to your business and your sales funnel. It's not enough to build it and hope for the best. Your active presence and engagement are non-negotiable.

Being an absentee landlord in your own business means leaving the fate of your funnel to chance, and that's precisely where the 'Build It, They Will Come' myth crumbles. Your funnel thrives on your insights, your nurturing, and your guidance.

Your funnel thrives on your insights, your nurturing, and your guidance.

The success of your funnel depends on an intentional strategy.

1️⃣ Answering the Big 4: Who, What, Why, and How of your business for clarity and purpose.

  • Myth Busting: Building a funnel without answering these fundamental questions is like constructing a house without a blueprint. Your audience needs to know who you are speaking to the moment they land on your page, that you understand why they are there, what the promised outcome/transformation is, and how you will deliver on that promised outcome. Without these answers, they won't be drawn to your funnel.

2️⃣ Goal Alignment: Ensuring your Sales Funnel aligns with your overall business goals.

  • Myth Busting: Expecting your funnel to work without aligning it with your the above is like setting sail without a destination. Your funnel should be a strategic tool designed to help you achieve your specific objectives. Misalignment leads to aimless results.

3️⃣ Clearly Defined Client Journey: Creating a seamless and engaging experience.

  • Myth Busting: Assuming visitors will naturally navigate through your funnel is like expecting a GPS-less journey through a labyrinth. A well-defined client journey ensures that prospects have a seamless and engaging experience, guiding them toward conversion.

4️⃣ Message Match: Consistent messaging to guide prospects toward your desired action.

  • Myth Busting: Inconsistent messaging across your funnel is like speaking in different languages to your audience. Message match is crucial for maintaining a clear and persuasive narrative that leads prospects to take the desired action.

5️⃣ Offer Alignment: Evaluating product/service alignment with your Sales Funnel and gaining proof your audience resonates with your promised outcome.

  • Myth Busting: Expecting your offer to succeed without ensuring it resonates with your audience BEFORE YOU BUILD IT is like presenting a dish without knowing if your guests are hungry for it. Your offer should be designed to deliver on the promised transformation, and gaining proof that your audience resonates with it is key.

6️⃣ Marketing Messaging: Reviewing messaging for resonance with your target audience.

  • Myth Busting: Assuming that generic messaging will resonate with your target audience is like throwing a message in a bottle into a vast ocean. Tailoring your marketing messaging to speak directly to your audience's pain points (what they want solved most) and desires is essential for capturing their attention.

7️⃣ Traffic Sources & Alignment: Assessing traffic sources for reaching the right audience.

  • Myth Busting: Getting visible by putting you or your offer out into the world by believing that any traffic source will do is like casting a wide net in a barren pond. How you show up and your traffic sources should align with your energy capacity and your audience to ensure that you're reaching the right people who are genuinely interested in your offer.

8️⃣ Know Your Numbers: Do you have your G4 set up? Do you have a dashboard you trust? Are you just tracking vanity metrics?

Myth Busting: Having a clear understanding of your analytics and key performance indicators is crucial for making informed decisions about your funnel's performance.

9️⃣ Tech Check: Inspecting technical aspects to ensure everything functions as it should.

Myth Busting: Relying on faulty tech is like trying to drive a car with a broken engine. Your funnel's technical aspects should be in perfect working order to ensure a smooth and efficient journey for your prospects.

Don't let the 'Build It, They Will Come' myth deceive you. Your funnel's success depends on your active involvement, thoughtful alignment, meticulous attention to these crucial elements, and a solid grasp of your numbers.

It all boils down to this: You need The Sales Success Doctor!

If you have a funnel that isn’t seeing leads and sales like you were “sold” it would, as your Sales Success Doctor, I specialize in diagnosing and treating the root causes of sales funnels. My Sales Funnel Diagnostic Session is designed to uncover what's missing in your funnel and provide you with a tailored treatment plan.

Be an active participant in your business's success. Get in touch with me today to schedule your Sales Funnel Diagnostic Session and take the guesswork out of what isn’t working in your business. I have 8 spots left for February at www.kimibrown.com.

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