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 representing an entrepreneur's journey.  a determined entrepreneur deep in thought around  belief in one's journey

The Entrepreneur's Journey: Navigating Feelings and Building Belief

Mar 07, 2024

Ya'all know I believe in transparency.

I am in the trenches, side by side, with you as I build my own online businesses.

Building, Growing and Scaling an online business is NOT for the feint of heart.

It requires grit, spit and stick-with-it-ness.

I've got my own coach who helps me navigate through my roadblocks, especially when it comes to beliefs.

And guess what?

That's exactly what I'm here to do for you.

When you're with me, you're not just getting coaching.

Nope, you're getting a whole package – coaching, consulting, mentoring, and even tech support if you need it.

Now, let's talk about feelings.

It's okay to feel all sorts of ways in this crazy business world.

From wanting to set everything on fire to feeling like an absolute business badass – it's all part of the journey...


  • It's ok to feel like you want to burn it all down
  • It's ok to feel like you can't believe you make money doing what you love
  • It's ok to feel like you are an imposter (that means you are doing something new and scary so of course you will be scared)
  • It's ok to feel like you are a business badass
  • It's ok to feel like you are "behind" (ask yourself who are you comparing yourself too and recognize your journey isn't their journey)
  • It's ok to feel overwhelmed with the jobs coming in and how you will get them all done....

There are so many feelings in this business..... what I want to help you through is Keeping you from turning those feelings into unhealthy THOUGHTS and BELIEFS about you, your business, etc.

Feelings drive thoughts
Thoughts drive our Beliefs
Beliefs drive our action or inaction.


Fun Fact: Our subconscious can't tell the difference between reality and a thought or belief.

Did you know that?

Thats why when I wake up from a dream where Flint (hubby) did something I'm not happy about, I have the "hangover" of being pissed at him for about 3 hours after I wake up. (poor guy)

Those beliefs and thoughts can take root to tell you a story of who you are (both positive and negative) that lead to you taking action or keeping you from taking action.

Feeling are OK - that's all they are...Heck my feelings cycle through WTF? to Bliss in the span of 60 seconds sometimes (welcome to my life)!

Thoughts, we all have them, positive and negative, that we weed through a thousand times a day

Beliefs - that's where the rubber hits the road.

How can I help you with your thoughts and beliefs that are driving your actions or in-action?


You can join the Sales Success Rx community and post there.

Trust me, you'll find a whole bunch of us ready to rally around you and offer support.

And hey, sometimes just knowing you're not alone can make all the difference.

If you prefer a more private chat, no problem.

Book a 1:1 call with me. We'll hash things out, just you and me.

And if you're not sure what you need, shoot me a DM. We'll figure it out together.

Bottom line? You're not alone in this.

Whether you're ready to dive into the community or you need a little one-on-one support, I'm here for you every step of the way.

Kimi B!
The Sales Success Doctor

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