Book Your Consultation Call

Heal Your Ailing Sales Funnels

Gain Traction in Leads & Sales 


Let the Sales Success Doctor craft your cure, turning leads and sales funnels from ailing to thriving. Your success prescription awaits.


Book A Consultation Call

Stop Guessing


Grow Leads


Gain Sales 


Are you tired of the online marketing rollercoaster, where promises rarely match reality and it's impacting your leads and sales?

Do you feel like you've tried every trick in the book to gain leads and sales,
only to end up back at square one?

You're not alone.

Many brilliant entrepreneurs like you have struggled to crack the code of growing leads and sales.


Why has nothing you've tried worked for you in the past?


 You've bought courses...

...but are too busy for the DIY solutions you bought so they "sit on a shelf" gathering dust


 You've invested in group coaching...

...but get lost in the shuffle of others raising their hand for hot seat coaching in a time-limited session or are too shy to speak up in a group to get your needs met


 You've invested in one-size-fits-all solutions, bandaids or magic pills...

...and they only temporarily alleviate the symptoms


 You've tried to implement someone else's definition for success for YOUR business...

...and never achieve THEIR success


You've never taken the time to get to the ROOT PROBLEM and have ONLY focused on the symptoms

Book A Consultation Call

Realign Messaging


Redesign Funnel


Reignite Results 


Say goodbye to false starts

and hello to the growth and prosperity
your business deserves.


My mission...It's time to get real, bust the BS and cut through the noise of the online business world.

We've been subjected to gimmicky, one-size-fits-all, fear-based, scarcity-inducing, formulaic, and uninspired guidance on what to do and how to do it. 

You continue to enroll in programs, courses, and masterminds hoping they are the "Magic Pill" or "bandaid" you so desperately need, yet you're not seeing any progress, growth, or traction.

Frankly, I'm fed up with it, and I'm sure you are too.

Strategy first. Always!


Book A Consultation Call

Say goodbye to false starts

and hello to the growth and prosperity
your business deserves.


My mission...It's time to get real, bust the BS and cut through the noise of the online business world.

We've been subjected to gimmicky, one-size-fits-all, fear-based, scarcity-inducing, formulaic, and uninspired guidance on what to do and how to do it. 

You continue to enroll in programs, courses, and masterminds hoping they are the "Magic Pill" or "bandaid" you so desperately need, yet you're not seeing any progress, growth, or traction.

Frankly, I'm fed up with it, and I'm sure you are too.

Strategy first. Always!


If You're Ready, Let's Chat
Book A Consultation Call

Stop Playing "Dr. Google" with magic pills and bandaids prescribed for generic scenarios that only temporarily relieve the symptoms. 

You need a sales conversion strategist to IDENTIFY the Gaps in your online business and then get a DIAGNOSIS of what's causing YOUR lack of leads and sales and then get a Treatment Plan in place to HEAL the root cause.


Welcome to the
Sales Success Clinic

The Doctor is IN!

Fix Your Funnel

Sales Funnel Diagnostic Audit

Tired of the guesswork, the endless tweaking, and the wasted resources
 trying to figure out why your latest funnel isn't seeing the leads and sales like you thought it would?

  • Focuses on a single sales funnel.
  • Identifies gaps, issues, and areas for improvement in that specific funnel.
  • Provides a clear diagnosis of what's causing leaks and hindering leads and sales.
  • Offers a tailored prescription with guidance, recommendations, and advice to address the identified issues.
  • Ideal for those looking to optimize a specific funnel and stop guessing about what's not working.


Tell Me More!

Long-Term Sustainable Growth

Sales Success Rx

You're Done "@^%ing" around with research, self-study courses, group coaching and wasting time & money on magic pills and bandaids that only address the symptoms for short-term relief.

  • Addresses the entire online business, not just one sales funnel.
  • Aims to heal root issues affecting the business's overall performance and alignment.
  • Creates a cohesive online presence, messaging, and alignment across various funnels and elements.
  • Enables long-term growth and scalability for the entire online business.
  • Involves personalized 1:1 guidance and real-time action-taking sessions to implement changes effectively.
  • Ideal for those seeking sustainable, long-term success for their entire online business.
Color Me Curious!

Fix Your Funnel

Sales Funnel Diagnostic Audit

Tired of the guesswork, the endless tweaking, and the wasted resources
 trying to figure out why your latest funnel isn't seeing the leads and sales like you thought it would?

  • Focuses on a single sales funnel.
  • Identifies gaps, issues, and areas for improvement in that specific funnel.
  • Provides a clear diagnosis of what's causing leaks and hindering leads and sales.
  • Offers a tailored prescription with guidance, recommendations, and advice to address the identified issues.
  • Ideal for those looking to optimize a specific funnel and stop guessing about what's not working.


Tell Me More!

Long-Term Sustainable Growth

Sales Success Rx

You're Done "@^%ing" around with research, self-study courses, group coaching and wasting time & money on magic pills and bandaids that only address the symptoms for short-term relief.

  • Addresses the entire online business, not just one sales funnel.
  • Aims to heal root issues affecting the business's overall performance and alignment.
  • Creates a cohesive online presence, messaging, and alignment across various funnels and elements.
  • Enables long-term growth and scalability for the entire online business.
  • Involves personalized 1:1 guidance and real-time action-taking sessions to implement changes effectively.
  • Ideal for those seeking sustainable, long-term success for their entire online business.
Color Me Curious!

Here's what working with the Sales Success Doctor has meant to others...

Kim is the total package! Professional, fun, "real", highly knowledgable, and incredibly responsive.

We now have a clear action plan and the adjustments that need to be made and the confidence we need to go into our  next launch."

Danielle Levy
Integrator, Danielle Levy Consulting


"Why did I waste thousands of dollars on these flashy programs when I could have just invested with you?

...and I would have gotten results that I actually thought I was getting in the first place?"

Jacob Turner
Xebra Consulting


You can tell for Kim, landing a sale is not just about the $$, she truly cares about her clients and the work she does for them - not only during the project but after too! 

Adrienne Glusman
Online Business Manager for Stacey Staaterman


More Raving Fans Here

Hi! I'm Kimi

As you can see I live what I teach. 


I have a business that fits into how I want to live my life. (Zoom ready on top, PJ pants and slippers below camera!)

I'm also known as The Sales Success Doctor!

I'm on a Mission


As someone who has seen firsthand the struggles and frustrations of online business owners, I am on a mission to right a wrong that is costing you dearly.

You've been told that all you need to see online success is a list, a lead magnet and a signature offer or product, but the reality is that there's so much more to success than that. 

I'm sick and tired of watching visionaries experience burnout and eventually quit, robbing the world of their expertise, their legacy of change and stealing the freedom that revenue in their business allows.

My mission is to build a business that revolves around YOU, where success is not only attainable but sustainable for long-term success.

If you like a straight shooting, sassy, slightly smart-a$$y, witty, fun-loving, loves Jesus but cusses a little, invested in your success, collaborative (not a task taker), a BS busting kind of person, then schedule your Consultation Call to find out if we are a good fit for one another!  

You will only know if I am right for your business when you jump on a Consultation where we can explore if I am a good fit for your vision, your core values and as collaborative partners in your business. If we aren't a good fit, I can refer you to someone I completely trust to take good care of you!

I hope to see you on my calendar! 

Yours in success,


Over The Counter Remedies

(Temporary relief of symptoms with no prescription needed)

Not quite ready for the full treatment? No worries!

I totally understand that jumping straight into a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan to fix issues might feel like a big step.

That’s why I’ve got some powerful ‘Over the Counter’ remedies for you.

These quick fixes are designed to provide temporary relief for your sales and leads symptoms.

They're simple, they're effective, and they'll give you a taste of what it’s like to see real change—without needing a full prescription just yet.

  • Kimi's Incredibly Speedy Strategy Call 

  • Core Offer & Lead Magnet Refinement
  • Unlock Free Remedies
  • Get Unstuck for a Few Bucks 
  • Prescription for Success Insights
  • Kajabi Launch-Ready Templates
  • and more...
Visit The Clinic: Over The Counter Remedies

Before You Book A Call

Book A Consultation Call

Prescription for Success Insights


Is Your Offer Holding You Back? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

Sep 24, 2024

Together we make the world a kinder place.


I value diversity within my raving fans, trusted referral partners, extending to my clients.

Together we derive unique perspectives and bright ideas.

I am driven by the value of diverse kindness.

My commitment to diverse kindness means that I believe that everyone deserves the best friendly, generous, and considerate experience regardless of their race, color, gender identity, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, location, physical abilities, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, or criminal history.

I embrace trusted partnerships, team members, and clients from underrepresented groups to help make our collective vision a reality.

John 13:34 Love One Another